Case II - modelling Chinese earthquake loss data without covariates

  • We consider an earthquake loss data set concerning the Chinese mainland, which contains risk information on 291 earthquake events with magnitude greater than 4.0 from 1990 to 2015.

  • The data set contains:

    • year: occurrence year.
    • y1: Economic Losses (adjusted). It is expressed in millions of Chinese Yuan (CNY) and are adjusted for inflation to reflect values in 2015.
    • yraw: Economic Losses (original).
    • death: the number of deaths from an earthquake event.
    • inj: the number of injures from an earthquake event.
    • magnitude, intensity : the magnitude and maximum intensity of an earthquake event.
    • y2: casualties are defined as fatalities and injured people, which are due to damage to occupied buildings.
    • u1: cdf of the marginal distribution evaluated at y1.
    • u2: cdf of the marginal distribution evaluated at y2.
    • u2_: cdf of the marginal distribution evaluated at y2-1.
    • f1: pdf of the marginal distribution evaluated at y1.
    • f2: pdf of the marginal distribution evaluated at y2.

Load the data


u <- cbind(earthqCHI$u1, earthqCHI$u2)
u_ <- cbind(earthqCHI$u1, earthqCHI$u2_)
y <- cbind(earthqCHI$y1, earthqCHI$y2)
f <- cbind(earthqCHI$f1, earthqCHI$f2)

obs <- y
U <- u
U_ <- u_
umin <- 20

fitting the mixed copula models

m.norm <- MGL.mle.mixed(obs = y, U = U, U_ = U_, umin = umin, f = f,
                        copula = "Normal", method = "L-BFGS-B",
                        initpar = 0.2)
m.t <- MGL.mle.mixed(obs = y, U = U, U_ = U_, umin = umin, f = f,
                      copula = "t", method = "L-BFGS-B",
                     initpar = c(0.1,3))
m.gumbel <- MGL.mle.mixed(obs = y, U = U, U_ = U_, umin = umin, f = f,
                            copula = "Gumbel",  method = "L-BFGS-B",
                          initpar = c(2))
m.MGLMGA180 <- MGL.mle.mixed(obs = y, U = U, U_ = U_, umin = umin, f = f,
                             copula = "MGL180",  method = "L-BFGS-B",
                             initpar = c(2))
m.MGB2 <- MGL.mle.mixed(obs = y, U = U, U_ = U_, umin = umin, f = f,
                        copula = "MGB2",  method = "L-BFGS-B",
                        initpar = c(1, 4, 0.4))
m.MGLEV180 <- MGL.mle.mixed(obs = y, U = U, U_ = U_, umin = umin, f = f,
                            copula = "MGL-EV180",  method = "L-BFGS-B",
                            initpar = c(0.2))

recap <- function(x){
  res <- c(alpha = x$estimates,
           se = x$se,
           loglike = x$loglike,
           AIC = x$AIC, BIC = x$BIC)
  if(length(res) < 6)
    res <- c(res[1], NA, NA,res[2], NA, NA, res[3:5])
  if (length(res) > 6 & length(res) < 9)
    res <- c(res[1:2], NA, res[3:4], NA, res[5:7])
  res <- as.matrix(res)
  colnames(res) <- x$copula$name
res.all <- round(cbind(recap(m.norm),
), 4) <- t(res.all) <-[order([,9], decreasing = T),]
knitr::kable(, digits = 3)
round(, 2)