The data set is collected from the ``China earthquake yearbook" . This data set concerns the Chinese mainland, which contains risk information on 291 earthquake events with magnitude greater than 4.0 from 1990 to 2015.
earthqCHI contains six columns:
year: occurrence year.
y1: Economic Losses (adjusted). It is expressed in millions of Chinese Yuan (CNY) and are adjusted for inflation to reflect values in 2015.
yraw: Economic Losses (original).
death: the number of deaths from an earthquake event.
inj: the number of injures from an earthquake event.
magnitude, intensity : the magnitude and maximum intensity of an earthquake event.
y2: casualties are defined as fatalities and injured people, which are due to damage to occupied buildings.
u1: cdf of the fitted GLMGA regression model used in Li et al.,(2021) evaluated at y1.
u2: cdf of the fitted composite Negative Binomial-Pareto model evaluated at y2.
u2_: cdf of the fitted composite Negative Binomial-Pareto model evaluated at y2-1.
f1: pdf of the fitted GLMGA regression model used in Li et al.,(2021) evaluated at y1.
f2: pdf of the fitted composite Negative Binomial-Pareto model evaluated at y2.
Zhengxiao Li, Jan Beirlant, Shengwang Meng. Generalizing The Log-Moyal Distribution And Regression Models For Heavy-Tailed Loss Data. ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 11(1):57-99, 2021.